30 research outputs found

    Wireless sensor system for the acquisition and analysis of jumps and spikes in valleyball

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    Diplomska naloga obsega načrtovanje, izdelavo, preizkus ter analizo meritev strojnega in programskega dela brezžičnega senzorskega sistema za analizo skokov in udarcev žoge pri odbojki. Cilj diplomske naloge je razvoj sistema, ki je zmožen brezžičnega prenosa, obdelave, prikaza in shrambe podatkov pridobljenih o funkciji stopala. Te podatke se naknadno analizira, za namen pridobitve rezultatov, ki bi privedli do boljšega razumevanja funkcije stopala za namen gibanja. Ozadje diplomske naloge predstavljajo predvsem lastne izkušnje s sistemi za pridobivanje podatkov v športu in navdušenje nad senzorsko tehniko, ki športu doda nove možnosti. Motivacija za izdelavo diplomske naloge izhaja iz osebnih in tehničnih razlogovzaradi težje poškodbe prisotne v moji odbojkarski karieri, se je povečalo moje zanimanje in navdušenje za uporabo senzorske tehnologije v športu. To me je usmerilo v razvoj sistema, ki bi lahko pomagal pri vadbi in preprečevanju poškodb v športu. Metodologija razvoja in preizkusa sistema je temeljila na združevanju izkušenj in nasvetov s strani mentorjev, lastnega preizkušanja ter sprotnega učenja. Vsak korak pri razvoju in izpopolnjevanja sistema je bil premišljen in izveden na osnovi teoretičnih znanj in praktičnih izkušenj. Rezultati so potrdili večino naših predvidevanj in pričakovanj. Rezultati podrobnejših analiz pa so raznovrstninekateri sovpadajo z našimi pričakovanji, drugi ne. Prvi funkcionalni preizkus sistema nam je prinesel zanimive rezultate, ki spodbudijo k nadaljnjim razvoju sistema. Pri pregledu rezultatov prvega funkcionalnega preizkusa so bile odkrite možne izboljšave izvedbe sistema in meritev. Prepričan sem, da bodo pri nadaljnjem razvoju in preizkušanju sistema pridobili nove zanimive in koristne podatke, ki bodo korist pri vadbi in v pomoč pri morebitnemu preprečevanju poškodb v odbojki.The bachelor thesis contains planning, production, testing and result analysis of the software and hardware aspect of a wireless system for analyzing jumps and ball impacts in volleyball. The goal of the thesis is to develop a system that would be capable of capturing, wireless transfer, processing, displaying and storing data derived from the function of the foot. This data is subsequently analyzed, for the purpose of obtaining results, which would lead to a better understanding of the function of the foot for the purpose of movement. The background of this bachelor thesis consists mainly of my own experience with systems for data acquisition in sport and my enthusiasm for sensors in sport, which adds new opportunities to sport. Motivation for the preparation of the thesis is of personal and of technical reasonsbecause of a serious injury in my volleyball career, my interest and enthusiasm for the use of sensor technology in sports has increased. This led me to the development of a system that could help in training and prevention of injuries in sports. The methodology of development and testing of the system was based on the combination of experience and advice from my mentors, personal testing, and ongoing learning, throughout the development process. Each step in the development and improvement of the system was thought-through and carried out on the basis of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The results confirm most of our predictions and expectations. The results of more detailed analyzes are diversesome confirm our expectations, others do not. The first functional test of the system has brought interesting results that encourage further development of the system. During the review of the first functional test, we got ideas about possible improvements and upgrades to the system and the measurement process. I am convinced that in the further development and testing of the system, new interesting and useful data will be acquired, which will benefit training and help with possible prevention of volleyball injuries

    Opening Size Effects on Airflow Pattern and Airflow Rate of a Naturally Ventilated Dairy Building-A CFD Study

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    Airflow inside naturally ventilated dairy (NVD) buildings is highly variable and difficult to understand due to the lack of precious measuring techniques with the existing methods. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was applied to investigate the effect of different seasonal opening combinations of an NVD building on airflow patterns and airflow rate inside the NVD building as an alternative to full scale and scale model experiments. ANSYS 2019R2 was used for creating model geometry, meshing, and simulation. Eight ventilation opening combinations and 10 different reference air velocities were used for the series of simulation. The data measured in a large boundary layer wind tunnel using a 1:100 scale model of the NVD building was used for CFD model validation. The results show that CFD using standardk-epsilon turbulence model was capable of simulating airflow in and outside of the NVD building. Airflow patterns were different for different opening scenarios at the same external wind speed, which may affect cow comfort and gaseous emissions. Guiding inlet air by controlling openings may ensure animal comfort and minimize emissions. Non-isothermal and transient simulations of NVD buildings should be carried out for better understanding of airflow patterns

    The comparison of the three assays for determination of fecal calprotectin in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Fecal calprotectin is a biomarker for monitoring inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) activity. Our aim, therefore, was to evaluate two new assays, the point of care test Quantum Blue and the Liaison Calprotectin with respect to the Calprest, commonly used assay, and to determine their performance for IBD diagnosis. We included 73 prospective patients with IBD. Fecal calprotectin was measured and analysed with the routine Calprest assay and two recently introduced assays, the Quantum Blue and the Liaison Calprotectin. Furthermore, we compared the results by Bland and Altman analysis, and Passing-Bablok regression. We observed no difference in median calprotectin values obtained by the Calprest (94.6 µg/g, 95%CI 66.5 to 166.1) and Liaison assay (101.0 µg/g, 95%CI 48.1 to 180.1) whereas significantly higher concentrations were obtained with the Quantum Blue assay (240.0 µg/g, 95%CI 119.9 to 353.2). The mean absolute and relative difference between the Calprest and Quantum Blue methods was statistically significant (- 162.3 µg/g and - 143.1%). Mean absolute difference between the Calprest and Liaison calprotectin methods was positive (2.2 µg/g). The agreement between assays revealed that Quantum Blue and Calprest have fair agreement with Kappa coefficient of 0.38 (95%CI 0.26 to 0.51). Liaison Calprotectin and Calprest revealed moderate agreement with a weak Kappa coefficient of 0.47 (95%CI 0.32 to 0.62). Clinicians should be aware of these differences between the assays and avoid comparison of their respective results

    Multiple indole glucosinolates and myrosinases defend Arabidopsis against Tetranychus urticae herbivory

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    rabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) defenses against herbivores are regulated by the jasmonate (JA) hormonal signaling pathway, which leads to the production of a plethora of defense compounds. Arabidopsis defense compounds include tryptophan-derived metabolites, which limit Arabidopsis infestation by the generalist herbivore two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. However, the phytochemicals responsible for Arabidopsis protection against T. urticae are unknown. Here, we used Arabidopsis mutants disrupted in the synthesis of tryptophan-derived secondary metabolites to identify phytochemicals involved in the defense against T. urticae. We show that of the three tryptophan-dependent pathways found in Arabidopsis, the indole glucosinolate (IG) pathway is necessary and sufficient to assure tryptophan-mediated defense against T. urticae. We demonstrate that all three IGs can limit T. urticae herbivory, but that they must be processed by myrosinases to hinder T. urticae oviposition. Putative IG breakdown products were detected in mite-infested leaves, suggesting in planta processing by myrosinases. Finally, we demonstrate that besides IGs, there are additional JA-regulated defenses that control T. urticae herbivory. Together, our results reveal the complexity of Arabidopsis defenses against T. urticae that rely on multiple IGs, specific myrosinases, and additional JA-dependent defenses

    The Potential of the Geostationary Carbon Cycle Observatory (GeoCarb) to Provide Multi-scale Constraints on the Carbon Cycle in the Americas

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    The second NASA Earth Venture Mission, Geostationary Carbon Cycle Observatory (GeoCarb), will provide measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), carbon monoxide (CO), and solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) from Geostationary Orbit (GEO). The GeoCarb mission will deliver daily maps of column concentrations of CO2, CH4, and CO over the observed landmasses in the Americas at a spatial resolution of roughly 10 × 10 km. Persistent measurements of CO2, CH4, CO, and SIF will contribute significantly to resolving carbon emissions and illuminating biotic processes at urban to continental scales, which will allow the improvement of modeled biogeochemical processes in Earth System Models as well as monitor the response of the biosphere to disturbance. This is essential to improve understanding of the Carbon-Climate connection. In this paper, we introduce the instrument and the GeoCarb Mission, and we demonstrate the potential scientific contribution of the mission through a series of CO2 and CH4 simulation experiments. We find that GeoCarb will be able to constrain emissions at urban to continental spatial scales on weekly to annual time scales. The GeoCarb mission particularly builds upon the Orbiting Carbon Obserevatory-2 (OCO-2), which is flying in Low Earth Orbit

    Clash of Two Identities: What Happens to Industrial Identity in a Post-Industrial Society?

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    This article examines the contemporary industrial semiotic landscape in the town of Velenje, Slovenia, to determine the (positive or negative) collective imaginaries and discourses about industry in the local community. To this end, the semiotic landscape is mapped for signs and symbols of past and present industry, 33 randomly selected short interviews are conducted to understand the residents’ attitudes towards industrial symbols and industrial development in general, and a content analysis of official strategic documents is conducted to determine how industry is represented by officials and whether there are efforts to reimage the town. We found that the industrial past and present are well represented by industrial symbols and are a matter of pride and collective identity for the residents. However, the industrial tradition is hardly represented in official documents: Influenced by the prevailing post-industrial discourses, local authorities have begun to construct new territorial identities in order to increase the town’s attractiveness and economic growth. Currently, both ideas seem to coexist in Velenje. We argue that industrial symbols can become a reference point to create an alternative perception of a modern consumer society based on past industrial values, such as collective well-being, solidarity, and equality

    Seed zone properties and crop performance as affected by three no-till seeders for permanent raised beds in arid northwest China

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    The no-till seeders of various soil opener configurations have been shown to produce various soil physical responses in relation to soil and climate conditions, thus affecting crop performance in permanent raised beds (PRB) systems. This is particularly important in arid Northwest China where large volumes of residue are retained on the soil surface after harvest. In Zhangye, Gansu Province, China, a field trial assessed the effects of three typical (powered-chopper, powered-cutter and powered-disc) PRB no-till seeders and one traditional seeder on soil disturbance, residue cover index, bulk density, fuel consumption, plant growth, and subsequent yield. In general, seedbed conditions and crop performance for PRB no-till seeders seeded plots were better than for traditional seeded plots. In PRB cropping system, the powered-chopper seeder decreased mean soil disturbance and increased residue cover index compared to powered-disc and -cutter seeders. However, the results indicated that soil bulk density was 2.3-4.8% higher, soil temperature was 0.2-0.6°C lower, and spring wheat emergence was 3.2-4.7% less. This was attributed to greater levels of residue cover and firmer seedbeds. Spring maize and wheat performance in the powered-cutter and -disc treatments was better (non-significant) than powered-chopper treatment. So powered disc no-till seeder, which generally provided the best planting condition and the highest yield, appeared to be the suitable seeder in heavy residue cover conditions. Considering the precision requirements for soil disturbance and residue cover, the powered strip-chopping no-till seeder could be a suitable option for PRB cropping system in Northwest China. Although these results are preliminary, they are still valuable for the design and selection of no-till seeders for PRB cropping systems in arid Northwest China

    Urinary Markers of Oxidative Stress in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder characterized by deficits in social interaction, restricted interest and repetitive behavior. Oxidative stress in response to environmental exposure plays a role in virtually every human disease and represents a significant avenue of research into the etiology of ASD. The aim of this study was to explore the diagnostic utility of four urinary biomarkers of oxidative stress. Methods: One hundred and thirty-nine (139) children and adolescents with ASD (89% male, average age = 10.0 years, age range = 2.1 to 18.1 years) and 47 healthy children and adolescents (49% male, average age 9.2, age range = 2.5 to 20.8 years) were recruited for this study. Their urinary 8-OH-dG, 8-isoprostane, dityrosine and hexanoil-lisine were determined by using the ELISA method. Urinary creatinine was determined with the kinetic Jaffee reaction and was used to normalize all biochemical measurements. Non-parametric tests and support vector machines (SVM) with three different kernel functions (linear, radial, polynomial) were used to explore and optimize the multivariate prediction of an ASD diagnosis based on the collected biochemical measurements. The SVM models were first trained using data from a random subset of children and adolescents from the ASD group (n = 70, 90% male, average age = 9.7 years, age range = 2.1 to 17.8 years) and the control group (n = 24, 45.8% male, average age = 9.4 years, age range = 2.5 to 20.8 years) using bootstrapping, with additional synthetic minority over-sampling (SMOTE), which was utilized because of unbalanced data. The computed SVM models were then validated using the remaining data from children and adolescents from the ASD (n = 69, 88% male, average age = 10.2 years, age range = 4.3 to 18.1 years) and the control group (n = 23, 52.2% male, average age = 8.9 years, age range = 2.6 to 16.7 years). Results: Using a non-parametric test, we found a trend showing that the urinary 8-OH-dG concentration was lower in children with ASD compared to the control group (unadjusted p = 0.085). When all four biochemical measurements were combined using SVMs with a radial kernel function, we could predict an ASD diagnosis with a balanced accuracy of 73.4%, thereby accounting for an estimated 20.8% of variance (p < 0.001). The predictive accuracy expressed as the area under the curve (AUC) was solid (95% CI = 0.691–0.908). Using the validation data, we achieved significantly lower rates of classification accuracy as expressed by the balanced accuracy (60.1%), the AUC (95% CI = 0.502–0.781) and the percentage of explained variance (R2 = 3.8%). Although the radial SVMs showed less predictive power using the validation data, they do, together with ratings of standardized SVM variable importance, provide some indication that urinary levels of 8-OH-dG and 8-isoprostane are predictive of an ASD diagnosis. Conclusions: Our results indicate that the examined urinary biomarkers in combination may differentiate children with ASD from healthy peers to a significant extent. However, the etiological importance of these findings is difficult to assesses, due to the high-dimensional nature of SVMs and a radial kernel function. Nonetheless, our results show that machine learning methods may provide significant insight into ASD and other disorders that could be related to oxidative stress